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The Songbook Blog

Spotlights, educational content, interviews and more from the Great American Songbook Foundation family!

Songbook Academy Awareness Day 2021
Mr. Rodgers never did live along Tin Pan Alley; he was lost at sea as a boy and, when rescued, kept hearing inappropriate sounds. They remain inappropriately perfect.'
"Music doesn't argue, discuss or quarrel. It just breaths the air of freedom" - Harold Arlen
Kern’s music is noted for its natural flow of rhythm and for the often folk-song-like quality of its melodies, which possess an indefinable but unmistakably American character.
The soundtrack of the American romance—as heard on the car radio and seen on the silver screen in the 1930s and 40s—was largely the product of a Jewish imagination.
The soundtrack of the American romance—as heard on the car radio and seen on the silver screen in the 1930s and 40s—was largely the product of a Jewish imagination.
Porter told Rodgers he had figured out the secret of writing hits. Rodgers leaned over. “I’ll write Jewish tunes,” Porter said. Rodgers laughed, but as time went by he saw Porter’s point.
Using images from Broadway musicals, classic films, and personal collections, A Fine Romance tells the story of Jewish artists who created songs of wit, sophistication and optimism through America's ups and downs during the 20th century.
The Songbook Foundation's Collections Highlight series, featuring bite-sized online exhibits spotlighting a collection that may be smaller in physical size, but just as significant in scope. Welcome to saxophonist Steve Madrick's collection.
Meet Maryanne Siek, a uniquely talented donor who volunteers her time as well as financial resources. Maryanne grew up with the music of the Songbook and is passionate about its preservation.
At the surface level, it might seem like music’s role in politics is just a convenient way to begin or end a political rally. However, history has shown us otherwise. Political songs have been used for hundreds of years to bolster the image of politicians running for office.
Join a forum where you can share your lesson plans and access creative ways to engage your students through music.