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Two women stand behind a table and point to paper artifacts while women on the other side of the table look down at the artifacts.

Ways to Give


Aside from cash donations, there are many ways to contribute to the Songbook Foundation that offer tax advantages and other features to match your financial needs and philanthropic interests.


A black arrow that rises, falls and rises again on a graph.  Give from your donor-advised fund (DAF)

You can now initiate a grant recommendation from your donor-advised fund, or DAF, using this link. Start typing the name of your fund provider, and the system will prompt you through the process.


A pie chart broken into three different sized pieces. Gifts of stock and appreciated securities

You can use stocks, bonds and mutual funds that have appreciated in value to support our shared vision. You may receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the stock and avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in value. Simply contact your broker with the account numbers below. We’ll take care of the details for you.


Instructions for Transfers of Securities:

First Clearing DTC 0141

The Center for the Performing Arts

Account #1344-9432


Please note: Stock gifts made to the Great American Songbook Foundation must be processed via the account titled "The Center for the Performing Arts".  Despite the account title, your gift will support the Foundation. Contact Jo Garcia with questions or to confirm upon transfer.


A money sign. This is an S with two lines on the top and bottom.  Roll over your IRA Distribution

If you are at least 72 years old, you may make a tax-free charitable gift directly from your traditional IRA.* Any IRA gift made will be considered part of your required minimum distribution (RMD). You can effectively reduce your taxable income for the year while making a generous gift to support our work.


Two arrows forming a square point to two outlines of people. A money sign is inside the square.  Request a match from your employer          

Many companies offer programs in which they match their employees’ (and sometimes retired employees’) charitable gifts. Check with your human resources department to find out if your company offers a matching gift and if the Center falls within its guidelines.


A clipboard with a check mark and two gift emojis. Next to these symbols are ledger lines.  Make a planned gift

Writing or updating your will probably didn’t make your list of New Year’s resolutions – but hear us out. By making a planned gift to the Songbook Foundation, you’ll become part of our Legacy Society and help guarantee that the enriching and inspiring work you’re already part of can continue for generations to come.



This material is for information only and is not tax or accounting advice. Please consult your tax advisor.


* or 70½ years old prior to January 1, 2020

and not tax or accounting advice. Please consult your tax advisor.