The Songbook Archives & Library by appointment only from Mon-Fri 10am-4pm.
To arrange your visit, contact Emily Rapoza:
Visit the Songbook Library & Archives
Researchers must complete a Research Information Sheet and present a valid photo ID. All archival and library collections are stored in non-public storage areas, and many of them can be made available in the Archives Reading Room. Researchers wishing to view our archival materials must schedule an appointment prior to visiting.
Access to the Songbook Archives & Library is available by appointment from 10am to 4pm, Monday through Friday. To arrange your visit, contact us at or 317-844-2251.
Most of the items in our collections are unique and irreplaceable. We ask that you follow all Archives Reading Room policies to help protect them for future generations of researchers.
The following items are permitted in the Archives Reading Room:
Sweaters, sweatshirts (indoor wear), religious head coverings, small silk or other indoor scarves, pocket-size wallets; laptops; research notes on loose leaf paper, or on paper or notecards supplied by staff; research-related publications from our library collection; pencils and mechanical pencils.
The following items are prohibited in the Archives Reading Room:
Food, drink (including water), gum; hats, caps, scarves (outerwear); purses, handbags, fanny packs, briefcases, suitcases, equipment bags, backpacks; boxes or containers of any kind; cell phones, scanners, cameras, camcorders, tripods; envelopes, notebooks, notepads, binders, folders, pens, markers, Post-It notes (unless stapled to your note pages).
Prohibited items must be stored in a designated area in the Archive's office during your visit. We reserve the right to ask you to store additional items in order to safeguard collection materials.
PLEASE NOTE: The Library and Archives at the Great American Songbook Foundation charges fees for special collections services on a cost-recovery basis. Click here for a list of fees.